Jun 30, 2018 | Mississippi, Portraits
Michelle and I attended college together throughout all four years and when she asked me to take her senior portraits, I was excited to take portraits of a dear friend. We shot her session at the Mississippi Craft Center off the Natchez Trace and by the Ross Barnett...
Mar 7, 2018 | Portraits, The Great Outdoors
This friend. We always have the best time, a lot of laughter, photo adventures and the BEST food (usually a delicious curry and some gooood chai tea — Hanna is the best cook). I met her on a ship that we both worked on for two years. And I’m so glad I did....
Nov 19, 2014 | Mississippi, Portraits
Back in November, I photographed one of my college friends, Elise, who is graduating in May. We chose a Saturday to spend running around the property of her old home. This was a special shoot because we were able to have the session on the property where she grew up....