Currently… | February 2022 Edition

Currently… | February 2022 Edition

February 2022 Edition Working On: A paper about grafting for my Horticulture Science class Anticipating: Spring! Listening: mostly songs online, sometimes this YouTube channel... Reading: I often have several books I read over a long period of time. Currently I'm...

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Still Life

Still Life

August 2, 2020 Moving myself to action is sometimes the hardest part of the process. I have missed processing through my camera. These are a few images I took the other day, experimenting with light and objects. I believe the objects we are drawn to and collect can...

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A Weekend in North Carolina

A Weekend in North Carolina

This was a much needed escape to the mountains for some hiking to see waterfalls and views. Camera: Fuji xt20 with the 18-55 f/2.8-4 lens Waterfalls/Hikes (in order): Bust Your Butt Falls - roadside Dry Falls - 0.3 miles Whiteside Mountain Trail - 2.25 miles...

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Christmas Eve at the Atlanta Zoo | Fujifilm XT20

Christmas Eve at the Atlanta Zoo | Fujifilm XT20

I brought my camera along as my family and I went to the Atlanta Zoo on Christmas Eve. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Sunny and 60 degrees. I took these with my Fuji XT20 and the 18-55mm lens. I love using this camera. It's lightweight, compact and produces...

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Autumn in Scotland

Autumn in Scotland

Two years ago, I spent several days in Edinburgh on a three week trip around western Europe. Sometimes when I end up searching for past projects and photos on my hard drives I get sidetracked like I did the other day...I thought I would share several photos that I...

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