I create because of an innate desire to share beauty and truth in the world – to create
for the story in each of us.

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to stories.
Pulling out my mom’s old scrapbooks to peel apart the pages and flip through the past sparked a desire in me to record.
Purchasing my first digital camera – a Nikon D40 that I discovered within the pages of a photography magazine – started me on this journey of documenting and sharing.
I left home at 18 to live on a ship for two years, sailing around the world working alongside strangers from over 50 different countries who became close friends. I’ve explored over 35 countries and every U.S. state.
Spending two years sailing around the world with a non-profit organization on a ship opened my eyes to what is going on the world.
And studying for four years to earn a degree in visual art by working alongside professors and other art students to push each other to become better communicators has shaped the way I create.
I’d love for you to share your story with me so if you’re interested in working with me or grabbing a cup of tea or coffee, write me an email through the contact tab or directly at katiejefferyphotoATgmail.com.